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Ministry Report: March 2021

Writer's picture: Evangelist Jermel MayoEvangelist Jermel Mayo

What an incredible month of ministry for all of us at Regenerate Ministries. Michelle and I are now in our 4th year serving Jesus and His Church as traveling Evangelists. When we took a step of faith and trusted the Lord within our call, we had no idea how many people the Lord would bring into our lives. Since ministering as lead pastors, we had a heart for marriage and family, as well as raising up local people to do the work of the ministry. Now serving as evangelists, this continues to be our heart and prayer.

The Lord has worked by His Spirit and has placed us in partnership with two amazing individuals. Shaun and Aziah Meadows of Binghamton NY. They have recently transitioned in their life and ministry to now serve churches in the role of traveling worship leaders. Michelle and I met Shaun and Aziah while serving as pastors at Vailsburg AG in Newark NJ. They came as guests singers during our New Years Eve Service. They ministered so powerfully under the anointing of the Holy Spirit. I quickly introduced them to Pastor Jon Wegner of Marlton Assembly of God in Marlton NJ. They were searching for worship leaders and Shaun and Aziah was in transition at the time. While serving as worship leaders at Marlton, God continued to use them powerfully for several years. During my transition to Marlton AG in my currently role as Staff Evangelist, we served together on staff. A wonderful opportunity opened for them where they would be closer to home at City Church in Binghamton NY. Both serving as worship pastors. While serving, they always felt a call to travel and strengthen and bless churches through the ministry of music. Shaun and Aziah contacted me following their decision to answer the call and asked to partner with us and our ministry. Michelle and I prayed about it and knew God was calling us to take a step of faith with them for the purpose of seeing the Kingdom of God advance and witness God use them and their gifts.

In the month of March we had the privilege of having the Meadows travel with us in ministry. Wow did they bless churches, ministries, and ministers. They worked with great leaders at the local level along with the local worship leaders and teams. It’s amazing how smooth the ministry has been going wherever we have ministered together so far. Our first ministry stop was at one of my favorite churches in International Christian Center of Staten Island NY. Pastor Ron Squibb and his wife Emma Squibb are such incredible people and pastors. They have opened up the door for us the past couple of years to lead revival services, men’s conferences, youth and young adult services, and marriage conferences. They were one of the first churches to support us financially on a monthly basis. I told Shaun and Aziah, we have to minister together at ICC, and boy did they minister. The presence of the Lord moved in such power through their ministry. They don’t just minister in music, but they also minister through music. Makes my role so much easier. m The ministry of music and the word of God within a service go hand and hand.

Once a month we are scheduled to minister at our home church there in Marlton NJ. Unfortunately, Michelle and I came down with Covid, and it knocked us out for a couple of weeks. Thanks be to God for His healing and sustaining power. We recovered without many complications. We were able to recover and minister on a Wednesday Night at Marlton for our United Prayer Service. Preached a message on, “After They Prayed.” Encouraged the church that we can expect the unexpected and supernatural when we pray. God still answers prayer.

Next we traveled to Life Chapel in Point Pleasant NJ. God is moving by His Spirit throughout the churches on the shore. Pastor Brian Fisher, who had me minister at his former church in Wrightstown NJ, called me to come and minister at his new post of ministry. After preaching, I called people to a commitment to Jesus Christ and to receive Him as their Lord and Savior. Many repsonded to the altar. One individual, a 6th grade student lifted up his hand. I felt the Lord give me a word for him. His parents sat nearby with tears in their eyes. Later that day, they sent a message to the youth pastor so excited that their son committed his life to Jesus. They have been praying that he would receive Jesus. That day was an amazing day.

We ended the month with our Regenerate Services with Pastors Steve and Lisa Schuessler and their congregation Lighthouse Christian Fellowship in New Brunswick NJ. 4 Powerful services of the move of the Holy Spirit. We witnessed salvations, breakthrough, testimonies of healing, along with a fresh outpouring of the Holy Spirit. Shaun and Aziah led worship for all 4 services. During the Saturday night service they surprised us with additional guests musicians. Two of them being Pastor Amos Ryan, our former worship pastor at Vailsburg AG, and his wife Johnncey. Along with several other individuals who assisted with ushering the presence of God into the place. It was so powerful. We thank God for the generosity of all the churches where we minister. This helps meet our personal needs along with our ministry needs. These churches have blessed us beyond our weekly and even monthly budget. Covid effected our ministry and churches in a great way. By these churches going above and beyond in their giving is helping us to recover what was loss.

Finally, I wanted to support one of our supporting pastors and churches for their week long revival service. I wasn’t scheduled to preach, I just went to be part of this service. Evangelist LaMar Cooper just before preaching, walked up to me with a prophetic word for my life and ministry. It was done with such insight and full of the Holy Spirit. Didn’t know I was going to a service where God was going to deliver the mail. I needed to hear from the Lord, and we did. Thanks Pastor Paul Gifford for being a dear friend and Co-laborer in Christ.

Special thanks to all of our prayer partners and financial partners. We can’t do it without you. God continues to meet our financial needs and physical needs on a daily basis. In this season, we are praying that God would bless us above and beyond in order that we can be a bigger blessing to others that will be partnering with us in ministry. Please continue to pray for us and the Meadows. Pray that more churches would open their doors for the role of the Evangelist. God is so so good. If you would like to partner with us financially on a monthly basis in helping us reach people with the gospel, you can visit us at

All For Jesus,

Evangelist Jermel Mayo


Regenerate Ministries



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